Phase 6 has evolved over time. When Letters and Sounds was first introduced, Phase 6 (usually taught in Y2) wasn't outlined in great depth. Letters and Sounds simply identified a few general areas of spelling to be covered and gave advice on how to build on phonics learning to begin to teach these aspects of spelling. In 2009, the Support for Spelling document was introduced for years 2-6. It introduced specific half termly spelling units in Y2 which were much more closely aligned with the way that spelling is taught in KS2 (albeit still ensuring that there was a lot of emphasis on using phonics to inform spelling). The new curriculum (2014) includes a lot of very specific spelling learning that should be covered in Y2 (some new bits of learning have been moved into Y2 whilst other bits have been moved out into other year groups). Whilst the essence of Phase 6 (helping children to transition from phonics to spelling) hasn't really altered, the fine details of what should be included in Y2 have certainly changed.
New planning and resources for teaching spelling in Year 2 can be found at
The existing PhonicsPlay resources for Phase 6 will remain available on this page for those who find them useful. However, please be aware that they were created some time ago and no longer match up neatly with the new curriculum.
In terms of reading at Phase 6, the main aim is to help children develop automaticity. Children need as many opportunities as possible to read a wide range of interesting, engaging texts at an appropriate level to help them build stamina, confidence and to develop a love of reading. Specific reading skills are generally developed in guided and shared reading sessions.
Good for: Learning conventions
Good for: Learning how prefixes change the meaning of words
Good for: Learning conventions
Good for: Getting familiar with compound words.